Building in ArucasGreen Palm Real Estate offers this Building,Interesting opportunity! Let me describe this building that is waiting to be completed in Arucas in more detail.This building is located in a prime location in Arucas, with a construction permit already granted by the town hall. This license opens the doors to various development possibilities, making it a unique opportunity for investors and real estate developers.The building offers flexibility to be completed as four attached duplexes or as two houses of up to five floors each. This versatility allows adapting the project to market needs and maximizing investment potential.With the chance to develop up to five floors per house, the potential living space is considerable, offering an opportunity for creating spacious modern homes tailored according to future owners' needs and preferences.Moreover, its location within Arucas adds extra value. With its historical charm, natural beauty and local amenities; Arucas remains an attractive place for people looking at housing which ensures constant interest throughout their real estate market . in summary ,this under-constructionbuilding represents an exciting prospectfor those seekingto investin th expandingrealestate sectorofArucos.Witha grantedeconstructionlicenseandtheflexibilityto adapttodifferenttypesofthedevelopment,thisprojecthaspotentialtobecomealucrativeinvestmentanda valuabadditiontothetown'surbanlandscape.Do not hesitategetintouchwithus formoreinformationandexploretheseexcitinginvestmentopportunities!Energy performance certificate being processed. In addition,the sale price doesnot include notarization fees,,registration etc resultantfromthesale.Thedataexposed aremerelyindicativeandinvolvesubjecterrorsorunintentionalomissions If you need financing,we can helpyouobtainit,personalizedfinancialadvicewithoutcommitmentfreeofcharge.Wewillcompareamongseveralbankingentities togetthebestconditions.
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Usable size:
Building year:
2010 (15 year/s)
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